
What Parents Say...
"The improvement we have seen in Eric this year is tremendous. We are very pleased with his self-confidence and his skills in reading and math."
Greg and Debbie P.
"Prior to becoming Ms. Guttal’s student, our daughter was often apprehensive about attending school. Under Ms. Guttal, Madison’s anxiety has diminished and she has become a cheerful child looking forward to going to school."
Steve and Barbara C.
"Our son disliked school and refused to study. Ms. Guttal single-handedly turned our son around. Johnathan is now enthusiastic about school. He studies his lessons faithfully and is desirous of success."
William and Karen F.
"Priya is constantly encouraging the kids to learn while making sure they are not pushed or pressured. She goes out of her way to make sure that parents are notified and included in all activities. Our daughter, Tyler, has improved dramatically in her reading and language skills after being in Sonrisa School."
Dennis and Tina B.
"Priya is one of the most unique, caring, and outstanding teachers, I have ever met. She has a desire to be the best teacher, and to provide the very best for her students."
Lee Janice T.
"I am most impressed with Priya’s gift of patience, love and true concern for the children. Priya is honest and straightforward in her dealing with parents. I could count on her to keep me informed of my son’s progress, activities, and her ideas to resolve any issues that may arise."
Susan S.